WATER Tracker (*Login Required)

FEMA – Schedule of Equipment Rates

FRWA – Florida Rural Water Association

NOAA – Tropical Prediction Center

FDEP – Hurricane Information from the Department of Environmental Protection

Boat U.S. – Latest graphic storm tracking including wind bands and strike probabilities

SERT – Florida’s Division of Emergency Management State Emergency Response Team

UF/TREEO – Florida’s center for Training Research and Education for Environmental Occupations; Hosts of FlaWARN

Emergency Response Preparedness: Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Florida’s Water and Wastewater Systems half 1 and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Florida’s Water and Wastewater Systems half 2.


Frequently Used Forms

ICS Form 214

ICS 214 Form Example

ICS 214 Form Blank

Rapid Damage Assessment Form

FEMA Emergency Power Facility Assessment Tool (EPFAT)

  • If FlaWARN is not able to meet members generators needs we can assist with getting a FEMA generator. In order to get a FEMA generator installed at a facility, power assessment data must be collected. A facility can input this data ahead of a storm and sped up the process of getting a generator.

FEMA Public Assistance Program Information

AWWA Resource Typing Manual

Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)


EMAC Req-A Sample from IRMA

EMAC Primer for Florida Water/Wastewater Utilities

EMAC Tip Sheet for Water

EPA Fact Sheet on EMAC

EMAC Online Training

EPA has released “Flood Resilience: A Basic Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities.” Drinking water and wastewater utilities are particularly vulnerable to flooding, which can damage pumps, disconnect chemical tanks, break distribution lines, and disrupt power supply. Targeted to small and medium utilities, the Guide outlines a simple, four-step assessment process to help any water utility know their flooding threat and identify practical mitigation options to protect critical assets. With a user-friendly layout, the Guide provides worksheets, instructional videos, and flood maps to help utilities through the process.


EPA Guide for Disposing of Large Amounts of Contaminated Water

Post Hurricane Information

Disaster Recovery Financing for Water and Wastewater Utilities Webinar

Public Assistance for Water and Wastewater Utilities in Emergencies and Disasters

Reimbursement Tips for Water Utility Emergency Response and Recovery

Lessons Learned from Water and Wastewater Utilities that Participated in the Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program